Impact of Lockdown (COVID-19) on India’s Regional Transmission Flows

NR, SR, and NER are traditionally ‘Importing‘ Regions, while WR and ER are ‘Exporting‘ Regions for Electricity in the National Grid. On the first day of Lockdown, 25th Mar 2020, average Import of NR and SR dropped by 54% (from 6,602 MW to 3,029 MW) and 23% ( from 10,458 MW to 8,038 MW) respectively […]

Impact of All-India Lockdown on Power Demand (25th March 2020)

All-India demand has dropped by 22%, from an average demand of 14.5 GW on 18th March 2020 to 11.3 GW on 25th March 2020 (first day of All-India lockdown). Electricity Demand on 25th March(Compared to previous Wednesday, 18th March 2020) Almost all states have seen a drop in demand (Vs 18th Demand), reaching up to […]

Impact of Janata Curfew (COVID-19) on Power Demand in India

India’s Peak Demand dropped by around 16% (148.75 GW to 125.37 GW), and the same is persistent all through the day, showing a substantial drop in commercial and industrial activity. Comparitive of State-wise Demand -MW of 22nd Mar Vs 21st Mar While States like Maharashtra, Tamilnadu, Gujarat, Delhi, and Kerala saw a drop in Demand […]

Impact of Diwali Season on National Demand

A substantial drop in evening peak demand is seen this Diwali season, though the trend is considered to be normal in such festive season due to drop in commercial and industrial demand. This year’s demand drop is unique, as this year’s evening peak demand (reaching 121 GW on 27th, Diwali day) is lower than of […]

Impact of Diwali on State’s Power System (E.g. of UP)

The demand plot of UP State for 24th Oct 2019 shows the impact of ‘Lighting Load’ on Demand with sunset, bolstered by Diwali’s Decorative Lighting Load. UP has one of the steepest evening peak demand of all States, with around 50% jump in just 2 hours (5pm to 7 pm). Such steep demand due to […]

Bihar Floods: Impact on Electricity Demand

With severe impact of floods on the Distribution Network, in addition to reduction in electricity consumption by Industrial, Commercial and Residential segments due to floods, electricity demand of the State has dropped by over 50% in the past one week. Given that around 30-40% of electricity demand of Bihar is from Patna alone, the drastic […]

Why DAM (IEX) is highly SURPLUS these days?​

Sell Bid Volume 80% more than Buy Bid Volume in DAM Though DAM comprises 4% of the total market size, if All-India Demand Curve is superimposed over Sell Bid Volume in DAM (plotted below), the inverse relation between Demand and Market Surplus can be noticed, except during mid-day hours, thereby explaining the correlation. Day-hour exception can be attributed […]

Why are recent DAM Prices FLAT (constant) in Day Hours?

In spite of varying Supply-Demand Volume curves, DAM Prices during highly surplus hours showed a perfect Flat or Step behaviour, which is unnatural in liquid markets. This has more to do with the Auction Matching Principles and the behaviour of participants in a Closed Auction. In a surplus market scenario, Sellers are Price Takers and […]

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